Summer Tour: Best of Fishman Mix

"The band is named after Fish for a reason. The band really operates through him as much as Trey is the frontman and loves to steal the show." - Dr. Paul McGuire

Here is a mix of classic Fishman moments from summer tour. Included are a few epic jams that Fishman was a driving force in, as well as the silly moments that he is known for. Enjoy!

1. A Song I Heard The Ocean Sing (Noblesville, IN 6.19.09)
2. Undermind 7:18 (6.10.09 Knoxville, TN)
3. Ghost 10:45 (8.14.09 Hartford, CT)
4. Psycho Killer (4:59 8.14.09 Hartford, CT)
5. Dog Faced Boy 3:50 (6.7.09 Asheville, NC)
6. Gumbo 5:22 6.7.09 (Asheville, NC)
7. Tube 6:16 6.7.09 (Asheville, NC)
8. Lengthwise 1:52 6.7.09 (Asheville, NC)
9. Run Like An Antelope 11:50 (8.13.09 Darien, NY)
10. Suzy Greenberg 5:53 (8.13.09 Darien, NY)
11. Harpua 6:27 (8.16.09 Saratoga Springs, NY)
12. I Kissed A Girl 2:00 (8.16.09 Saratoga Springs, NY)
13. Harpua 7:56 (8.16.09 Saratoga Springs, NY)
14. Hold Your Head Up 2:07 (6.18.09 Burgettstown, PA)
15. Bike 3:24 (6.18.09 Burgettstown, PA)
16. Hold Your Head Up 1:19 (6.18.09 Burgettstown, PA)
17. Drums 2:23 (8.2.09 Morrison, CO)
18. Piper 9:56 (8.8.09 George, WA)
19. Good Times, Bad Times 5:50 (8.8.09 George, WA)
20. Ha Ha Ha 1:58 (8.15.09 Merriweather Post Pav-Columbia, MD)
21. Party Time 7:56 (8.15.09 Merriweather Post Pav-Columbia, MD)

1.8 Hours (134.5 MB)



Pauly said…
Party Time made the cut. Awesome.
Tim said…
Long time reader, first time commenting but had to say love the Fishman and Page mixes. Easily the most played CDs in my collection since they were released. Keep up the great work.
Anonymous said…
Still waiting for a cactus mix.
BSS said…
The cactus mix will need the Boogie>Antelope from Miami----- insane

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