Coventry's Phish-araoke

Did you ever want to be a rock star? Do you sing along to Phish songs waaaaay too much? Do you have an American Idol fetish? Are you just a whore for attention?
If the answer is yes to any of those questions, then you should become a contestant in Coventry's Phish-araoke Contest. It's so simple...
1. We pick a Phish song.Anyone can enter. The contest ends at Midnight PT on Tuesday 4/20. Leave the URL link to your video of Get Back on the Train into our comments section or shoot us an email.
2. You record a video of you singing it.
3. Send us a link to your uploaded You Tube video.
4. The best cover gets a LOST lot t-shirt AND gets their video posted on Coventry.
We'll announce a winner next Friday. The crew at Coventry will be the judges. We do accept bribes, heady bribes, by the way.
Now that we got all the ground rules out of the way, it's time to pick a song. Please send us your best version of... Get Back on the Train.
Best of luck.Photo credit: QXZ