End of Summer Thank You!

With the end of Phish summer tour and the festival season winding down, I wanted to take a moment to extend a few THANK YOUs.
First of all, I think Dr. Pauly deserves an enormous round of internet applause and appreciation for keeping us up to date with the recaps of Phish shows and diligently updating Coventry's twitter feed. Pauly does this all for the love of writing and music. Even when I am by his side at a show I always look forward to reading his thoughts and takeaways from the shows. Amazing job Pauly!
Second, thanks for being part of our blog and community. Thanks for reading Coventry. I was blown away at how many of you I got to meet on tour this summer, and ALL of you are very good and positive people. I can honestly say that we must have the coolest and most genuine readership on the planet.
Third, 2010 has been the best year of my life in many ways. I could never have done it without my friends. I feel like things are only getting better, and I am fortunate to have such a rockstar family. A special thanks to Jonas, Katie, Wildo, Change100, Benjo, Strawberry Shortcake, DiscoSis1, Broseph, Uncle Ted, Andrew, GRob, Carrie, Lord Farquha, Gavin, Fink, Meesh, Mr. and Mrs. Beal, Ritzer, JT and of course Pauly for lending a hand when I needed it this summer. I love each and every one of you. Thank You.

Can't wait to be all reunited again in October for a Phish-ardo throwdown!
Coventry Rocks!
Chris - great meeting you in Telluride!