Phish Setlist - 10/22/2013 - Blue Cross Arena, Rochester, NY

Bees + honeycomb = Yarmouth Road tonight? 

Tonight, the circus rolls into Rochester, NY. No official webcast for this show, but hit up the good folks at Hoodstream for a live look inside the Blue Cross Arena. And of course, follow @CoventryMusic for lot prices, w00k sightings and hijinks.

Phish - 10/22/2013, Blue Cross Arena, Rochester, NY

Set 1: AC/DC Bag, Moma Dance, Axilla, Meatstick, Kill Devil Falls, Scent of a Mule, Timber, My Friend, My Friend, Halfway to the Moon, Maze, Character Zero

Set 2: Crosseyed and Painless > Light > Golden Age, Birds of a Feather, Halley's Comet, Possum, Bug, Heavy Things, YEM

E: Joy, First Tube


Hello Phriends,

Anyone have the link? I really want to hear that Light > Golden Age.

spencer said…
still kicking some tires, but, no dice either.
Pauly said…
Sorry kids. I'm traveling from Rochester to Glens Falls and I'm without a laptop. To be honest, just an avg show with a couple of standouts like Crosseyed and Axilla and Yem
Here you go guys/gals:

No worries DrPauly, enjoy tonight!!
Unknown said…
Link isn't working. Help anyone? Thanks!
MeToo said…
NICE - just a simple click.
davidmainer said…
The link goes nowhere...
I hope Chicago Antelope might fix it...
Beck Hall said…
Link is perfect. Just copy and paste in browser and DLing starts immediately,
tomahawkcounty said…
Thanks Chicago Antelope! Well done.
Pauly, have a great trip!
Chris said…
Thanks Chitown!
You are all very welcome!! The boys are running on all cylinders!!

Anonymous said…
having no luck with the link...any chance we can get a re-up?

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