Phish Setlist: 10/27/24 Albany, NY - Night 3
These Divided Sky Foundation specialty shows are wrapping up on Sunday with the third and final night of a triple dose of Phish in upstate New York. Phish has always had a special and unique relationship with Albany's arena, which was known as the old Knick when I was a kid or the Pepsi Center in the late 90s. For the third night, the boys got the sound dialed in and they're ready to rip. As th saying goes, never miss a Sunday show especially in the autumn within a stone's throw from Vermont. It's the final night in Albany, so will there be any hijinks, evil Phish, bustouts, or just a buffet of love-n-light and recovery songs?
The entire Albany run will be webcast at Live Phish, so you can rock it out on couch tour and watch the live stream. If you're busy or have to wake up early, there is an on-demand function so you can watch it in the morning.
Here's the Sunday night setlist for the Phish that includes a four-song encore...
Phish Setlist, 10.27.24 Albany, NY
Set 1: Heavy Things, What's Going Through Your Mind, Access Me, My Friend. My Sweet One, Limb By Limb, Mountains in the Mist, Kill Devil Falls, Walls of the Cave
Set 2: Everything's Right > Chalkdust, Mercury, Velvet Sea, Most Events Aren't Planned
E:Gotta Jiboo, Waste, Bug,Waste, Zero
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