My Morning Jacket - Evil Urges Download

My Morning Jacket is giving you a free taste of one of their new tunes off of their new album. So go ahead and download Evil Urges.

I love the sense of humor from the guys at MMJ. This made me wet myself...
so here is the song "evil urges". we sure hope you are to enjoy it! we would put the whole thing out there on the interweb, but gosh darn-it, we're still a little old fashioned in that way of wanting the listener to be able to get the actual music when it is supposed to be released, when we say it is finished- not when someone else puts it on the interweb.... but it is the 90's now, we understand that. its a new decade and we want to be part of this decade, but whilst still maintaining a link to the past - where one can't necessarily get everything they want immediately when they want it, but rather when they are told they can have it - by their real life keeper or their digital daddy! we will play both roles here. ... more


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