Phish Setlist: 6/22/12 Cincinnati, OH

Never miss a Cincy show.
Le Phish, 6/22/12 Riverbend, Cincinnati, OH
Set 1: Wolfman's Brother, Peaches en Regalia, Shaggy Dog, Runaway Jim*, Light Up or Leave Me Alone > Wilson > Alaska, Stash, Llama**, Buffalo Bill, Saw It Again > David Bowie
Set 2: Down With Disease > Guelah Papyrus, Kill Devil Falls > Twist > Halley's Comet > Sand > Roggae, Carini, Chalk Dust Torture, Golgi
Encore: Fluffhead
* With Saints Go Marching In Tease
** Aborted "Poor Heart" and "Moma Dance" before playing Llama
Thanks, Spencer! You're the man!
Shaggy Dog!!!! Loved the aborted Poor Heart/Moma, and so glad they went with the Llama. Pure heat. LUOLMA was the shit. Saw it Again->Bowie lit the place it.
DWD had some nice licks. Liked the Guelah surprise. KDF--TWIST was the shiz'nit. Sand->Roggae was redic.
Thought the Carini shoulda extended into a Scents/Subtle or ASIHTOS, not the singles (Chalkdust, Golgi).
Safe travels...
Anyone have a download of the webcast from either night or both nights? I'd love to put that on DVD. Thx!!