Miami Setlist Wednesday 12/30/09
The Phish 12/30/09 American Airlines Arena - Miami, FL
Set 1: Soul Shakedown Party, Runaway Jim, Jesus Just Left Chicago, Dixie Cannonball*, Stealing Time from the Faulty Plan, Corrina, What's the Use?, Tela, Gone, Rocky Top, Chalkdust Torture, David Bowie
Set 2: Sand, The Curtain With, Lifeboy, Back on the Train > Velvet Sea, HYHU > Love You** > HYHU, Free, Boogie On Reggae Woman, Antelope***
Encore: Frankenstein
** Fishman picks kid out of crowd (who is dressed like him) to play a vac solo, then gives away his vac
*** with Roses Are Free teases