Happy Birthday, Fish!
Happy birthday Fish!
In honor of the birth of Fish, I'm listening to a mix that Jonas made from Summer 2009 called "The Best of Fish".
Here's the playlist...
1. A Song I Heard The Ocean Sing (Noblesville, IN 6.19.09)
2. Undermind 7:18 (6.10.09 Knoxville, TN)
3. Ghost 10:45 (8.14.09 Hartford, CT)
4. Psycho Killer (4:59 8.14.09 Hartford, CT)
5. Dog Faced Boy 3:50 (6.7.09 Asheville, NC)
6. Gumbo 5:22 6.7.09 (Asheville, NC)
7. Tube 6:16 6.7.09 (Asheville, NC)
8. Lengthwise 1:52 6.7.09 (Asheville, NC)
9. Run Like An Antelope 11:50 (8.13.09 Darien, NY)
10. Suzy Greenberg 5:53 (8.13.09 Darien, NY)
11. Harpua 6:27 (8.16.09 Saratoga Springs, NY)
12. I Kissed A Girl 2:00 (8.16.09 Saratoga Springs, NY)
13. Harpua 7:56 (8.16.09 Saratoga Springs, NY)
14. Hold Your Head Up 2:07 (6.18.09 Burgettstown, PA)
15. Bike 3:24 (6.18.09 Burgettstown, PA)
16. Hold Your Head Up 1:19 (6.18.09 Burgettstown, PA)
17. Drums 2:23 (8.2.09 Morrison, CO)
18. Piper 9:56 (8.8.09 George, WA)
19. Good Times, Bad Times 5:50 (8.8.09 George, WA)
20. Ha Ha Ha 1:58 (8.15.09 Merriweather Post Pav-Columbia, MD)
21. Party Time 7:56 (8.15.09 Merriweather Post Pav-Columbia, MD)
1.8 Hours (134.5 MB)
Download the "Best of Fish" here.