Phish Documentary: Maybe So, Maybe Not - The Movie

Noah Wilderman is shooting a documentary about Phish called Maybe So, Maybe Not.

Here's a bit of what exactly is happening...
Maybe So, Maybe Not strives to be more than a documentary about the band Phish, their music, or the fanatical fan base. This is a documentary about the real, non-stereotypical lives of fans and how music is a thread that connects many of our lives. During the days leading up to the Phish reunion in Hampton, VA, and beyond, we'll primarily see a cross-section of children of the 70's and early 80's, rejuvenated as they examine the roads they've chosen, reconnect with their pasts and define the spirit of a generation as we turn a new page in American History.
Noah is looking for Phisheads to get involved. Stop by the website and see how you can participate.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for the blog post Pauly! High Fives all around to all of the amazing people who have responded positively to the documentary. This is a doc. about community - specifically about one generation's creation of community around Phish in lieu of any valid alternative in the mainstream that represented us (religion, politics, sports?).

This is a project that not only seeks to document Phish fan communities and the renewed spirit; but to serve as a vehicle to spread the values, reinforce them, and immortalize the journey of a generation to find identity.

Keep thinking community and how you've been part of the Phish community, and how that's changed. I can't wait to hear your stories!

gottajibo_2001 said…
I could not have spoken about this amazing group of individuals we all know as PHISH. We the phans are equal with the band in creating the atmosphere or shall I say utopia, that we all have felt while circling the lots, seeing all the old and new friends with there joyous faces. I have enjoyed the music and lots of many jam and progressive rock shows like WSP, SCI, STS9, Umphrey's, DEAD and so on; but Phish has always had more of a family and free flowing improvisational feel that gives comfort and excitement which is what "IT" is all about. So I cant wait to see all of you Phellow Hipsters out there absorbing the last few drips from our beloved PHISH. On a sad note, I myself do not have tickets to the Hampton Shows, making me wonder do Miracles really happen? Maybe So Maybe Not
Grandmaster T said…
also, I'd love for folks to check out the philm I've ben working on for the past 15 years or so...

check out

Love to see a separate blog post with info and directing people to my site. Best of luck to everyone. Lots of great stuff out there. Go Phish!


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