Young Jedi Apprentices play YEM

So my buddy jonas0tto sent me this link...In an age where more kids are playing guitar hero or rock band than real instruments...these kids are playing YEM better than Phish did post-hiatus...check it out and get ready to have your mind=blown by some McLovin's...


Anonymous said…
Pauly said…
They shred. Too young to be influences b the dark side of Siths and oxy.
Julius_Goat said…
Boy-men, watch theyselves guitar me to Falensi.
BTreotch said…
other vids up as well.. Crazy influences..
change100 said…
Holy shit! I heart McLovin Trey.
Anonymous said…
Dang. That was Great.
Peter Griffin said…
no where close to Phish - your insane

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