Gathering of the Vibes: Thursday Night Broadcasts

Eric from Gathering of the Vibes sent me an email about their weekly live broadcasts over at GOTV.
We'll be live every Thurs. night @ 8 ET until the festival this summer. We've got all sorts of good things lined up and announcements to be made. Hope to see you all there!

This week the crew from GOTV will go live and announce the final line-up. The line-up this year is really a testament to what this music culture was founded on, people are going to be pumped with the announcement! Following the release of the final line-up will be the footage of the Masters of Bluegrass @ Gathering of the Vibes '04 in Indian Lookout Country, Mariaville, NY. It should be a good show.
Tune in tonight at GOTV.


Irongirl01 said…
Per an email i recd stating no april fools joke, Thursday night they are supposed to announce the addition of a band whose music makes up the soundtrack of our lives (in he spirit of celebrating woodstock and its 40th anniversary)... must be a band that was at the original Woodstock witch means either CSN or the dead

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