Jam Cruise 10 Recap: Day 4/5, Excuse Me While I Play Through
The epic journey began early by Jam Cruise standards as I was awoken at 9am my roommate Gypsy, who was just getting back to the room. Gypsy had danced her little ass off in the Disco where Pete from the New Mastersounds had spun an Eurodance DJ set. She was raving about how awesome it was, but alas, I missed it. Jam Cruise is a choose your own adventure and a little different for everyone. I wasn't disappointed I missed it, mostly because I got some much needed sleep and was feeling good.
After partying all afternoon in the sun I was able to pull myself together enough to sit down in the restaurant and force down some food. It was a good thing I ate something substantial because I probably would have not gotten though the journey ahead.
By 1am, I had been partying all day and I must admit I was getting tired. I needed something to keep me going so I tried something new (for me). For the first time in 3 Jam Cruises, I headed to the casino. I only bet $20 in blackjack, but played the ups and downs for about 30 minutes. It was a nice break to sit down, but more importantly it got my adrenaline pumping. I left the casino energized and the gambling session had everything re-circulating in my system.

After The New Deal, I felt great and wasn't going to bed anytime soon. I walked around the boat, catching some more acoustic Nathan Moore/Brad Barr, and then some Jam Room. There was lots of Jam Cruise silliness that you just had to be there and in an alternate state of mind to fully appreciate.
What happened next was a first for all of us on Jam Cruise. I was hanging out on the Pool Deck about 6am and the Jam Cruise Safety crew told us we had to leave the pool deck. The Safety Crew is the Jam Cruise security, and actually some of the coolest individuals you'll ever meet. There are very few rules on Jam Cruise and the Safety Crew does an awesome time putting us in our place without being too heavy handed. I have never seen the pool deck shut down and they could not tell us why.
The only people up at this point are people still raging from the night before and we had 2 choices – go to our rooms or hang out in the cafeteria.
I chose the cafeteria and it turned into a shit show. A Jam Cruiser with a Bose system who was relocated from the pool deck set up in the coffee bar and started blasting Phish. Over 30 kids were dancing in the cafeteria to Reba, when Marco Benevento and his wife and toddler daughters walked in for some breakfast. Marco and his wife glanced at each other with a knowing grin and tried to find a quiet corner on the opposite end of the cafeteria as the Phish dance party scene just got louder and rowdier.
For a while we did not know why we could not be on the pool deck, until a rumor circulated that a Jam Cruiser had jumped from the jumbotron and landed on the deck. It took a few hours for the true story to be revealed – a Jam Cruiser had climbed up the side of the jumbotron in a restricted area during The New Deal's set, and was blown off by wind gusts. What a dummy. Because of the limited medical facilities on the boat and just to be safe, a Coast Guard helicopter air lifted him to a hospital. I watched the surreal scene from a friend's balcony with a breakfast sandwich in hand as the helicopter circled us for about 30 minutes. Turns out the kid is going to be okay, but it will be his last Jam Cruise. Cruisers who do stupid stuff aren't allowed back.
After the SMMD set, Steve from This Week On Lot got a message to me to meet at his room at 4pm to record a podcast with Scotty B from YEMBlog and Hidden Track. Normally at this point I would have gone to bed, but I was able to enjoy the Orgone set to stay awake and get my thoughts together to sound okay on the podcast, though I am talking a little slower than usual.
Listen to TWOL podcast here.
After the podcast I took much deserved nap. Day 4 and 5 had bled together.
Thanks to a classy wake up call by my Touch of Class crew, I had enough time to eat in the restaurant one last time. Lucky for me it was lobster and steak night. Dinner ended just in time for me to catch Marco Benevento in the atrium. I was moved to tears for a second time in one day when his daughter played chopstix with him. Check out his emotional set here...
This is a long post, and I'm even leaving out some details of this epic day. By this time its 9pm Friday...you started reading about your hero getting up at 9am on Thursday. Whew. Next up musically was Soulive on the Pool Deck and Galactic in the Theater. Both were solid, but I was running on fumes. It was the end of the marathon and I had just a few more hours to go, so I pushed myself to stay out.
The final theme night was Masquerade. Everyone interpreted it a little differently, with some bringing out their best bling and others wearing an awesome mask. I enjoyed seeing everyone’s masks, though I couldn’t always know who was under there.
After Galactic, I headed to the jam room where Eddie Roberts of the New Mastersounds was the host. It was by far the best night in the Jam Room. I also took one last sit down at “The Spot” on deck 7 where Brad Barr and Nathan Moore were playing acoustic lots of guests coming by. Jefferson Waful (lighting director for Umphrey's) put together an awesome video of "The Spot" on the last night:
At sunrise I went back to my room to pack up. There were a few more minor funny moments with friends getting off the boat, but that was pretty much my jam cruise. It was easy getting off the boat and my direct flight back to Denver was without incident.
Its hard to believe, but Jam Cruise gets better every year. Jam Cruise 10 was exactly what I needed to get away and knock my head open. I personally had a lot of changes in 2011 and was having a tough time. The negative emotions of 2011 seem to have been released and I am starting 2012 on the right emotional path. The boat is full of love and I my cup runneth over.
Thank you Jam Cruisers!
Have you booked for Jam Cruise 2013? We are already pre-booked. If you decide to go on Jam Cruise, or have any questions, please email me at wookpatrol@gmail.com. Also, if you are a first time cruiser and use me as a referral, I get $$$ on the boat and promise to reward you. See you on Jam Cruise 11!