R.I.P. Phantasy Tour

It's a sad day in the virtual Phish world. I got the following message this afternoon:
joker-Normally this is the kind of rumor that I would take straight to Phantasy Tour. But now that its gone, well, I don't know quite what to do or say. Except maybe...Kangfirmed?
dude, just talked to paul [glace]. primarily under frustration of the bad press PT has received lately - and the general negativity and immaturity that seemed to run rampant at the message boards - has decided to shut down PT for good. a while back he simply stopped paying the bill on the server space, and it looks like today was the day it got erased. its dunzo. adios. goodbye.
Where will the schwilly rif-raf go now that Phantasy Tour is no more? Will all of us find a new way to waste time at work? Let us know your thoughts.
sweet_willy tour?
wow oh wow oh wow ... i really don't know what to think. i'm hoping this is just a practical joke. we didn't even have any warning!
Might as well throw this in there:
ISO: Darien, Hartford, Merriweather, SPAC (I'll pay face +$5 for the trouble).
Well PT...dont forget to KYS and always siihb!
Not sure what that means.
Long story. I just heard bites and pieces. It occurred Saturday night and was apparently quite the spectacle of all things PT. Hilarity ensued at it's finish.
Well..it won't be too hard to find another free web message board to call home. Although the show database and listings were great.
I still stand by my original opinion that PGlace is a chode.
tell one and all about both sites
personally, i don't blame paul one bit. (note: i don't know him and am not a frequent pglace apologist.) people were bitching so much when the site was slow the last few months. if i were him, the last straw for me would have been the incessant personal attacks (e.g. the "i hate paul glace" (or whatever it was) facebook group).
but, they just upgraded the server last week! i took that as a sign that PT would be around for a while. doesn't make sense to install a new server and then kill the site. oh well. bye PT.
fuck PT!
Phan Tank