Well it only took The Flaming Lips seven years to complete
Christmas on Mars, no biggie - it can't be
that great can it? For those who haven't heard, Wayne Coyne got his friends together and made a movie about the first Christmas on a Martian colony. Who knows, but I'm sure the
music is kick ass. Unfortunately, I didn't make it to any of the screenings Wayne had this summer - I'm sure it's best taken in with a friendly crowd and chemicals. That all being said, attention significant others, Moms, Dads and Santa:
this is a great stocking stuffer.
01. Once Beyond Hopelessness
02. The Distance Between Mars and the Earth -- Part One
03. The Horrors of Isolation: The Celestial Dissolve, Triumphant Hallucination, Light Being Absorbed
04. In Excelsior Vaginalistic
05. Your Spaceship Comes From Within
06. Suicide and Extraordinary Mistakes
07. The Distance Between Mars and the Earth -- Part Two
08. The Secret of Immortality: This Strange Feeling, This Impossible World
09. The Gleaming Armament of Marching Genitalia
10. The Distress Signals of Celestial Objects
11. Space Bible With Volume Lumps
12. Once Beyond Hopelessness